Evangelisation Explosive RDC-Est

Chaque nation, équipant chaque groupe de peuple et chaque groupe d’âge pour témoigner à chaque personne.

Hope for Kids

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Hope for Kids Ministry Program

Introducing Hope for Kids!

Hope for Kids is a training ministry that takes a child-centered evangelism and discipleship approach to teaching children about the gospel, while also helping them become witnesses for Jesus Christ, and growing in their faith. It’s been proven to be very successful in churches throughout Africa. We believe that the Great Commission is for everyone, not just adults or even youth. We lay a foundation for spiritual growth in children and enable them to respond with excitement and enthusiasm to Jesus’ command to all of us to be His witnesses. It was developed through a joint effort between EE International and OneHope. The purpose of EE Hope For Kids is to:

  1. Clarify the Gospel for kids.
  2. Assist them in becoming witnesses for Jesus Christ.
  3. Bring others to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

We provide high quality training for leaders who want to use their skills to reach out to kids who don’t know Christ yet. Our curriculum includes songs, games, crafts, skits, and illustrations that appeal to kids’ primary learning styles using biblically based materials. We believe our approach will help you share the Gospel with confidence!

From beginning to end, all of our materials are designed with an eye toward helping kids understand Gospel and to how to share it with their community. Our curriculum is designed with each unit having objects that represents one of the key Gospel concepts taught in that unit—so it’s easy for kids to learn and retain what they’re learning!

Evangelism & Discipleship for Children! Sign up for free Hope for Kids training!

Evangelism Explosion International - Africa Ministry
Evangelism Explosion Ministries in Africa
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