Evangelisation Explosive RDC-Est

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Classic EE

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Classic EE

Classic EE! Effective Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry Training for Church Leaders

The Classic EE ministry training program is designed to equip Church leaders; lay leaders, pastors, and any Christian to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ effectively in a concise and logical manner. Through the use of many illustrations and Bible scripture references, each trainee is able to apply their training in a real life setting.

Pastors, ministers and other church leaders are trained and equipped to share the good news of Jesus Christ with confidence. They learn how to make disciples who can help others in their community become disciples themselves. They also learn how to create healthy churches that will grow in numbers and impact as they reach out into new areas.

At the end of the training, each trainee will be able to present the whole Gospel presentation. Through this process, they learn how to develop confidence and become effective trainers themselves – the all-important process of multiplication in action.

The following are a few of the many benefits of Classic EE training:

  1. An increase in your knowledge of the Bible, as you learn how to apply it to everyday life.
  2. An increase in your ability to share God’s Word with others.
  3. A greater understanding of how to lead others toward God.
  4. Train others to become lifestyle witnesses for Christ.

Classic EE is an evangelism and discipleship ministry program of Evangelism Explosion, where you and your local church are equipped with practical skills and biblical knowledge to effectively share the Gospel and train others to do the same. Gain confidence in presenting the full Gospel message, discipleship, and church growth. Join us and become an impactful ambassador for Christ. Enroll today and make a lasting impact in your community/local church

Learn how to effectively share & train others to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Signup today!

Evangelism Explosion International - Africa Ministry
Evangelism Explosion Ministries in Africa
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